quotes on art

The initiative was taken by Sune Nordgren, inspired by a similar project involving August Strindberg quotes in Stockholm, Sweden. In 2001, Gavin Jantjes was appointed curator of the work. Sixty quotes in steel lettering were to be set into the sidewalks. The work was to be completed by 2006, the 100th anniversary of Henrik Ibsen's death. As a result of delays, by 2006 only three quotes had been laid, at a cost of NOK 1.7 million. The Swedish artist duo FA+ had been selected to handle the quotes, but they resigned from the project in May 2006. NOK 400,000 came from the Arts Council Norway and the foundation that oversaw the 100th anniversary, but some of the funds were used for other causes. The group behind the project, the Ibsen Foundation, explained that in their view the money had not been specifically earmarked.

In 2006, the Ibsen Foundation was relieved of involvement in the project. Between 2006 and 2008, the project advanced, resulting in a work of art consisting of 69 quotes and 4,011 letters. The quotes are strewn along a trail between the Ibsen Museum and Ibsen's favorite haunt, the Grand Café. Sparebankstiftelsen DnB NOR contributed a total of NOK 8 million to the project.

lettering words quotes art
245 × 300 - 18k - jpg
lettering words quotes art
245 × 300 - 18k - jpg

art journal quotes,
455 × 576 - 120k
art journal quotes,
455 × 576 - 120k

Bible quotes - Art Print
400 × 400 - 97k
Graphic Quotes Wall Art
300 × 300 - 21k - jpg
Bible quotes - Art Print
400 × 400 - 97k
Graphic Quotes Wall Art
300 × 300 - 21k - jpg